Saturday, November 17, 2007

Aftermath of the Dems Debate

Well it was Hillery that supposedly won but I watched it she never really answered anything with substance . Niether did anyone but Joe Biden Said pretty sternly if the Bush administration attack Iran then he should be impeached.Well that was the only thing I thought was pretty interesting and I cannot believe that Bush would attack Iran without good reason.Beyond that I thought that CNN made sure Hillery Won.

Second I would like to take my hat off to Cambridge Massachussetts for proving them selves to be idiots. A young scout was trying to raise items to send to the troops and he had boxes at the polling stations and they pulled the boxes saying they were political.I dont know how you could say boxes for the Military personal are political statements when our men and women in the armed forces need these goods to lift there hearts and spirits.

So hear it is to the Peoples Republic of Cambridge.

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